50 Internal Company Newsletter Ideas With Examples To Engage Employees

Alex Cleary


in Employee Newsletters

Are your employee newsletters going unread, or even worse, failing to engage your staff? You’re not alone. Crafting an excellent newsletter takes effort and creativity.

In today’s fast-paced digital workplace, sending out a generic newsletter and hoping employees pay attention is insufficient. To capture your team’s interest and boost engagement, your newsletters need to be more than informative—they must be exciting, personalized, and visually compelling.

This is where innovative newsletter ideas meet cutting-edge internal communication software. Whether sharing company updates, celebrating employee milestones, or promoting upcoming events, the right employee newsletter tool can transform your content into something your staff looks forward to reading. From drag-and-drop templates that save time to real-time feedback features like pulse surveys and engagement analytics, a modern newsletter platform ensures that your internal communications are professional and impactful.

Ready to take your internal communications to the next level? This guide will provide powerful employee newsletter ideas and show why investing in the right internal newsletter software is essential for creating newsletters that employees read — and value.

Don’t let your communications get lost in the inbox; it’s time to engage, inform, and inspire with smarter newsletters.

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Why Employee Newsletters Are So Important

There are many reasons why employee newsletters are important! The benefits of internal company newsletters are plentiful.

Use ContactMonkey to create newsletters and attain these key benefits:

  • Improve general communication
  • Share (and archive) critical company information
  • Provide education and training
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Decrease overall email volume to staff with a newsletter
  • Build trust between executive leadership and employees
  • Celebrate company and employee achievements
  • Build a positive, inclusive company culture
  • Strengthen your internal brand
  • Improve external marketing and talking points
  • Promote innovation, collaboration, and conversation
  • Collect valuable employee feedback

Email newsletters are crucial for your overall employee engagement, so you’ll need the best employee newsletter software to prioritize the quality of your internal communications content.

To learn more about newsletters, check out our complete guide to employee newsletters for actionable ideas and everything you need to know to create the best staff newsletter.

Best Employee Newsletter Ideas For Your Company To Put Into Action

These are some of our favorite employee newsletter rules to live by. Take your employee communications to a new level. Find the ones that work best for your organization and your employees and apply them to your corporate newsletters!

1. Use a drag-and-drop HTML email builder

This is the secret to success. A modern internal newsletter tool will transform how your department and company create, send, and track employee newsletters.

Using employee newsletter templates will save you time designing your employee newsletters. This means you can focus on gathering the employee newsletter content ideas your employees want to read.

Look at these employee newsletter examples to see what you can include in a modern newsletter.

ContactMonkey’s drag-and-drop template builder makes it ridiculously easy to customize an employee newsletter to your specifications. Start from scratch and build your own email template, or choose from a number of our pre-made themes and templates:

Example of a weekly employee newsletter design

Key takeaway: ContactMonkey’s template builder helps you build professional employee newsletter templates easily and quickly.

2. Personalize staff newsletters with merge tags

People like to feel noticed. That’s why few people enjoy getting an email clearly intended for thousands of people. Make your emails stand out to its recipients by personalizing the subject line and body of your employee emails:

Image of merge fields being used in an email to create personalized subject lines and body copy using ContactMonkey's internal newsletter tool.

ContactMonkey’s internal communications tool makes it easy to add custom text in your email’s subject and body content:

Key takeaway: When a person sees an email in their inbox addressed to them, the information within will take on a personal importance; fun employee newsletter subject lines and catchy employee newsletter names help your employees notice your employee newsletter content!

3. Collect employee feedback by using emoji reactions

Emoji reactions are a great way for your employees to respond quickly to a question while maintaining the fun feel of your newsletter. This company newsletter idea is one of our favourites!

Collecting employee feedback is a win-win situation: your employees feel heard by being able to contribute their opinion, and you get feedback from your newsletter.

Screenshot of employee pulse survey options within ContactMonkey's internal communication tool.

Here are what emoji reactions look like in ContactMonkey’s drag-and-drop email template builder: 

Using a dedicated tool for internal communications like ContactMonkey is a surefire strategy to supercharge your employee newsletters.

Some companies use tools like Mailchimp for internal communications. But a true internal communications tool is far better suited for collecting employee feedback with your newsletters.

Key takeaway: When designing your employee newsletter, the more you know about your audience the better you can tailor content for them. Use emoji reactions in your newsletter to let your employees voice their opinion.

20 fresh ideas for your next employee newsletter

Keep everyone engaged now and long-term.

4. Create newsletters that are responsive and displays perfectly

In many cases, your employees will use various devices and platforms to view your newsletters. To ensure easy accessibility, use responsive HTML email templates, like those built with ContactMonkey’s email template builder. These kinds of emails retain their design and content formatting regardless of what device or platform they’re viewed on.

Not only are emails built with ContactMonkey responsive for both desktop and mobile devices, but you can even view and customize your newsletters based on how they’ll appear on mobile devices using mobile design view:

Screenshot of ContactMonkey's drag-and-drop email template builder showing an employee newsletter about employee wellbeing.

Reach even more of your employees by complementing your mobile-friendly email newsletters with SMS text employee communications. Many employees don’t have easy access to their email inboxes, which makes text message employee communications an ideal internal communications channel to share information that your employees need to address right away—like crisis communications or emergency SMS alerts.

With ContactMonkey, you can draft and send SMS communications from the same platform you create your employee newsletters:

Screenshot of the SMS dashboard within ContactMonkey's internal communications tool.

Key takeaway: Understand how your employees actually engage with your internal communications and tailor your approach to match. This will increase your internal communications reach and get more eyes on your newsletters and content.

Featured Resource: 20 Content Ideas for Your Employee Newsletter

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5. Manage company events in your newsletter

Company events are a huge part of employee engagement, but organizing them and getting people to show up can be a challenge—especially for webinars.

You can help encourage your employees to sign up for events by prominently featuring sign-up buttons within your emails. But how can you be sure that the message got through?

Using ContactMonkey’s event management feature, you can create event invitations that can be embedded within your emails. With the click of a button, your employees can quickly fill out a form for your event:

Image of an email event invitation sent using ContactMonkey's event management feature.

After your employees have received your email and responded to your invitation, you can view your RSVPs within your analytics dashboard. See who accepted, who declined, and any comments your employees might have:

Image of the event overview menu showing an upcoming event and attendee list within ContactMonkey's event management feature.

Key takeaway: Your events’ success depends on how you promote it! Use event management to create, embed, and track event invitations and RSVPs.

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6. Use pulse surveys to collect employee feedback quickly

Try featuring surveys in your employee newsletters using ContactMonkey’s pulse survey tool. Pulse surveys are a great way to gauge your employees’ opinions about a specific topic.

In addition to your survey results, you can collect anonymous employee feedback about the topic at hand. Your employee comments will appear beside your survey results in your analytics dashboard:

Screenshot of emoji reaction results and employee feedback shown within ContactMonkey's Campaign Overview menu.

Learn how to create pulse surveys quickly with our step-by-step guide.

Key takeaway: Use pulse surveys to quickly learn how your employees feel about a variety topics and issues.

7. Embed videos to increase engagement

If a picture is worth a thousands words, videos must be worth at least a few million. Needless to say you can save a lot of space on your internal emails by using videos to convey information rather than text alone.

From leadership communications to product updates, videos can be used to keep your employees in the loop for a wide variety of categories. Quick and concise internal communication videos are a great way to upgrade your employee emails.

By using an employee communication app like ContactMonkey, you can easily embed videos into your internal communications. These videos are playable directly from your employees’ inboxes, and viewable across all of their devices.

For more ways to engage your team, check out these employee engagement newsletter strategies, which you can put into action with ContactMonkey.

Key takeaway: Videos help take the monotony out of purely text-based employee newsletters, and they help you communicate information that would be too lengthy to include in text form.

8. Send reminders, alerts, and announcements

Sometimes there is information that every employee needs to know.

Employee newsletters can inform employees about public holidays or office holiday parties, new office rules, or even just birthday reminders.

Want to ensure your alerts and reminders get maximum engagement? Use ContactMonkey to set a Delay Send for your newsletters so that your employees receive them when they’re most likely to read them.

By keeping employees in the loop on what’s happening and how their work life is impacted, you will make them feel valued and appreciated, resulting in higher employee engagement.

Have an employee podcast? Link to it in your employee newsletter to increase your listener base.

Check out this example of an alert template created within ContactMonkey’s email template builder:

Screenshot of email alert created within ContactMonkey's email template builder.

Not only is creating alerts and reminders easy with ContactMonkey’s internal communications solution, you can also schedule these alerts with delayed email sending so you can maximize their reach.

Key takeaway: Keeping your employees apprised of what is happening within your organization will increase overall employee engagement. Communicate important information with alerts and reminders.

9. Spice up your emails with GIFs

In terms of company newsletter ideas, adding visuals is the most effective way to communicate information to your employees without overwhelming them. Inserting animated GIFs in your emails is a great way to communicate strong feelings in a short period of time.

Adding GIFs to your emails can add a splash of fun to otherwise standard employee emails. With ContactMonkey adding GIFs is super easy. Simply drag the GIF tile to where you’d like it to appear, and click the “Search” button. From here you’ll have GIPHYs massive image library at your disposal to find the perfect GIF:

Key takeaway: People remember how things make them feel. Help your emails make a great impression on your employees by using GIFs in appropriate instances.

10. Collaborate as a team to create better email newsletters

For internal communication teams, getting everyone’s input on a project is crucial for producing your best work. However, trying to coordinate multiple people working on a single email can be tedious without the right tool.

With ContactMonkey’s email collaboration, it’s super easy to have multiple team members working on the same email template. Just like Google Docs or Sheets, you can see an icon for each person working with you:

Key takeaway: Teamwork makes the dream work; it also saves you huge amounts of time when creating your email newsletters!

11. Use AI to create fresh company newsletter content

Not sure how to start your employee newsletter? Looking for ideas for an employee survey question? With ContactMonkey’s OpenAI ChatGPT integration, you can provide prompts as to what kind of content you want to create, and our AI integration will create example text that you can customize for your purposes.

This is a great way to find new ideas for your company newsletters, employee surveys, and internal emails. But remember, you should always proofread content create via AI, and don’t rely on it for factually accurate information.

Key takeaway: Gathering ideas from external sources like AI is a good way to introduce new ideas into your internal communications, but remember to check the text is generates for accuracy and clarity.

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12. Measure and optimize company newsletters with email analytics

Your employee newsletter can help you learn about how your employees engage with your newsletters. ContactMonkey’s email tracking tool can measure email analytics such as email opens and internal link click-through-rate—even showing you each employee’s unique actions—as well as the location of those opening your newsletter, and which links are performing the best.

For more information, please read our guide to employee newsletter analytics.

You can also learn how to increase click-through rate on internal emails and boost reader engagement with our step-by-step guide. 

Here is what your Campaign Overview page looks like:

Screenshot of the data overview showing email engagement trends over time within ContactMonkey's campaign overview page.

No more guessing whether your recipients are engaging with your newsletters. ContactMonkey’s internal communications tool gives you the data you need to determine what works best for your internal communications campaigns and what needs improving.

Does your organization have internal or external regulations around email privacy. With ContactMonkey’s anonymous email tracking, you can gather email metrics while maintaining your employees’ privacy.

Key takeaway: Don’t let your hard work go to waste. With email metrics you can measure the effectiveness of your newsletter and gain valuable insight for increasing employee engagement.

13. Master the basics of employee newsletter writing

Before we get into designing eye-catching newsletters, it’s important to know the basics. These email newsletter best practices will help your writing grab your reader’s attention:

  • Get personal with your pronouns; use I, we, and you
  • Explain in clear terms what’s happening, why, and how it affects employees
  • Cut out redundant words
  • Write one-line paragraphs
  • Start sentences with and, but, and because. A conversational tone is easier to read than a formal one!

Understanding the basics of writing staff newsletters can help you create more complex and engaging content ideas for your employees. English speaking, listening, and reading exercises can help improve your writing skills.

Key takeaway: You have to walk before you can run! Make sure you cover these basic points of your email newsletter before getting fancy; you don’t want your creative effort to go unseen.

14. Keep your employee newsletter short and sweet

Today’s employees are receiving 88 emails a day, so it’s key that your internal newsletter gets – and keeps – employee attention. Shorter sentences with simple, accessible language are your best bet.

Keep the employee newsletter clean and minimal with a great email design. Feature effective content like email tables, images, videos, and clearly-defined sections like this example from Stripo:

Screenshot of email newsletter with abundant white space.

To optimize your email design, use ContactMonkey’s click maps feature to find out how your employees are engaging with your emails so you can put important information where your employees will see it.

Key takeaway: Respect your employees time by giving them a newsletter that is quick to read and easy to understand. Organizing your newsletter effectively can help reduce the amount of text you need.

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15. Always provide value to your employees

Your employees should want to read your newsletter. The employee newsletter is your opportunity to take important company and employee news and tie a bow around it.

Try these company newsletter ideas for topics:

  • Include business updates
  • Share employee news
  • Report industry trends
  • Provide links to the latest company blog posts
  • Announce upcoming events
  • Promote new customer stories or case studies

Make your newsletter an indispensable part of your employees routine. Consistently delivering important information in an easy-to-digest format is a surefire way to keep your employees’ attention.

Do you have an internal company blog? Feature a round-up of the top articles featuring employees, product launches, and more within your internal newsletter.

Screenshot of employee newsletter showing a roundup of useful information for employees.

Key takeaway: If you want to use the employee newsletter to increase employee engagement, get right to the point and provide only the most relevant information. A straightforward but perhaps the most critical of all company newsletter ideas.

16. Have a key takeaways section for your employee newsletter

If your employees are the type to go right to the bottom of the page, hit them with a bulleted list summarizing the most important points made in your newsletter. This employee newsletter idea is your insurance policy on getting the intended information across to your employees.

The Skimm does a great job with this employee newsletter idea, creating easy-to-digest bits of information in their newsletter. These short but impactful summaries entice the reader to seek more information.

Screenshot of employee newsletter with brief summary of important information within the newsletter.

Key takeaway: Even if you do everything right, you’ll still get skimmers. If you have some employee newsletter ideas floating around in your head, test it out with one of our experts.

17. Have a call to action (CTA) for each section of your employee newsletter

Call to actions sum up the newsletter information, and allow employees to easily get involved in company initiatives. Increase the amount of engagement you get with your employee newsletter and get clever with contests or giveaways for your employees; make it worth their while with great company newsletter newsletter ideas!

Screenshot of employee newsletter with clear and obvious CTAs.

Key takeaway: Employees like to know the “why” behind what they’re being asked to look at. Learn how to include CTAs in your employee newsletters using email templates.

18. Recognize and celebrate employee anniversaries and milestones

Employee recognition is a huge part of your overall employee engagement approach. Letting your employees know that their personal achievements are important to their company and coworkers helps them feel more connected to your business.

Feature employee anniversaries, milestones, significant personal achievements, or anything else about which your employees are proud of themselves. Consider adding a “shout out” section in your employee newsletter to regularly feature your employees accomplishments.

Key takeaway: Recognize your employees’ personal milestones to let them know what’s important to them is important to their organization as well.

19. Use custom email lists and send newsletters to the right audience

Email over-saturation occurs when employees receive too many emails too frequently and begin to tune out. This can lead to employees missing important information and becoming disengaged.

Rather than waiting for your IT department to create or update existing lists, you can use ContactMonkey to create your own email lists via our List Management feature. ContactMonkey also integrates with your existing Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) like Workday and ADP, as well as Azure Active Directory, so your custom email lists will get automatically updated as employees join and leave your company.

Key takeaway: Not every internal email should be sent to every employee. Target relevant audiences with custom email lists to keep email engagement high.

20. Provide content in multiple languages with translation features

If you have a large international workforce or even if your organization is based in a multilingual location, chances are not all of your employees have the same first language or are most comfortable in the same language.

So, to ensure that everyone gets the same value from your newsletter content, you want to make it accessible to as many people (and in as many languages) as possible.

Rather than segmenting by location or trying to keep tabs on who speaks what language when you’re sending, we recommend creating multilingual employee newsletters.

With ContactMonkey, it’s as simple as enabling the multi-language email feature. You can select up to four languages for each newsletter you send and add translations for each, all while editing a single newsletter template. There’s no split sending, no muss, no fuss. Learn more about employee newsletter translation.

Key takeaway: Providing a multilingual newsletter ensures employees can engage in the language they feel most comfortable in while saving you the time you would spend segmenting sending, recreating content in multiple languages, or tracking engagement across multiple campaigns.

21. Team spotlights and updates

For many companies, employee teams are responsible for creating and completing initiatives that help the business thrive. Give your employee teams the attention they deserve by featuring them in team spotlights within your employee newsletter.

Highlight recent team project completions, new initiatives, significant contributions, and more within your internal emails. You can also send out team updates in your employee newsletter whenever a team acquires a new member or has an accomplished employee move on to a new opportunity.

Key takeaway: Highlighting team accomplishments helps your employees feel proud of the work they’ve done, and emphasize its importance for overall organizational success.

22. Use aesthetics to emphasize key ideas

Mark your “money content” like case studies, customer testimonials, company information, and new product information with different fonts and formatting. And put it at the top of your employee newsletter! These kinds of fun employee newsletter ideas are great ways to make your content more attractive.

Famous Footwear uses handwritten fonts to draw readers’ attention. Aside from the title, this draws the eye in immediately.

Screenshot of employee newsletter that uses images to add to the overall design of the newsletter.

Key takeaway: Employee eyes get caught on the most important information. Variety in text will lower the chances of newsletter skimming.

23. Use infographics to cover big topics and content ideas

If it fits your context, don’t shy away from the chance to use a strong infographic. If your recipients open an employee newsletter chock-full of text, they’re going to either skim it or exit out of it because it seems overwhelming.

There is plenty of excellent graph and chart maker software on the market to make building engaging infographics a breeze.

An infographic that lists the topics covered with only necessary text can improve your employee engagement numbers.

Visually offers videos, infographics, reports, presentations, and more. Below is an example for an animated holiday employee newsletter, perfect for rounding up company events and milestones at the end of the year.

Screenshot of a fun employee newsletter that uses animation to create an engaging design.

Key takeaway: Visuals and lists make employee newsletters easier to get through, and appear more brief than they actually are. The infographic is one of the most powerful and effective employee newsletter ideas on this list. Learn how to plan and create a stellar infographic.

24. Share big company wins and accomplishments

Everyone likes getting good news in their inbox, especially when they’ve personally contributed to it.

Share big company accomplishments like large accounts won, company milestones, unexpected successes, and new product/service releases:

Screenshot of a company newsletter about the latest company news. created with ContactMonkey's email template builder.

Not only will this keep your employees up-to-date with the latest company news, but well-crafted accomplishment announcements make the entire company feel as though they helped make this possible.

Key takeaway: Business success is always a team effort. In recognizing your company’s big accomplishments you highlight the effort of everyone in your organization.

25. Job postings and career development

It’s important to let employees know about any internal job postings. Even if employees aren’t applying for these positions, job postings are a good employee newsletter idea, as employees will want to know how your company is growing.

Screenshot of employee newsletter announcing internal job opportunities.

You can also help employees advance their careers by letting them know of any workshops, webinars, events your company is willing to pay for that they can attend.

A newsletter is a great way to inform employees about new development opportunities. Maybe even create a section of the newsletter dedicated to listing such opportunities? Your potential employee newsletter ideas are endless.

Key takeaway: You can use ContactMonkey’s Employee Net Promoter Score software (eNPS) to gauge how likely your employees are to recommend internal job postings to friends and family. If your employees are sharing job postings, you can save time and money in your recruiting efforts.

26. Highlight recent employee vacations

Did a team member go on a holiday to some glamorous locale? Ask them if they’d like to share pictures and a quick anecdote about their trip.

Not only do employees get to share highlights from their trips, but other employees can also get ideas for vacations from their coworkers. Here’s a great example of this employee newsletter idea—built in ContactMonkey’s email template builder:

Screenshot of employee survey highlighting an employee's recent vacation.

Key takeaway: People like sharing their experiences and learning about new places. Letting employees contribute their vacation stories to your newsletter let’s your workforce do both!

27. Add employee created content

Do your employees have a project, cause, or organization they care about and want their coworkers to know about? Give them a chance to share their own content within your employee newsletter.

An employee-submitted section of your newsletter can help your employees keep up with what their colleagues are doing outside of work. This can lead to employees sharing interests and building stronger relationships.

Consider creating a employee content depository where your employees can submit whatever they’d like shared in your newsletter. Be sure to include guidelines on what kind of content can be featured, to keep your newsletter on-brand and company-appropriate.

Key takeaway: Letting your employees provide suggestions for your employee newsletter content is an easy way to create engaging and relevant internal communications.

28. Internal expert ask me anything (AMA)

Ask me anythings (AMAs) are extremely popular sessions on social media platforms like Reddit. They provide an open forum for people to ask questions to public figures, experts, or popular individuals in general.

You can use your employee newsletter to offer the same thing to your employees. Is there an employee or employees at your company that others constantly seek out for expertise and advice? Offer an internal AMA to your employees where they can submit questions to be answered by your in-house expert.

Feature the best questions within your newsletters, and encourage employees who didn’t get their questions answered to submit them again or reach out to the expert for a one-on-one.

Key takeaway: Help your employees grow their expertise by allowing them to submit questions to subject matter experts (SMEs) within your employee newsletter.

29. Welcome a new client or partnership

Showcase new clients or partnerships that the Sales team has secured. Everyone contributes to the success of the sales team, so why not let everyone know via this clever employee newsletter idea.

Your internal newsletter can also be used to announce new partnerships your company has acquired. Keep everyone in the loop and excited for the future by making a big announcement when a new partnership is unveiled.

Our friends at Venngage share a great example of a partnership press release:

Screenshot of employee newsletter announcing company's new partnership.

Key takeaway: It’s important to constantly highlight the success of your company to all employees. Emphasize the importance of team contribution to make sure everyone knows the success is theirs too!

30. Case studies and success stories

Like sharing current successes, examining past successes can boost your employee’s morale and give them insights to help their current projects.

You can also share case studies with your employees if there’s a project similar to a past one. Try embedding a prompt to read a case study in your next employee newsletter:

Screenshot of company newsletter created using ContactMonkey's email template builder featuring a brief description and link to a recent customer case study.

Key takeaway: Don’t have any case studies? Ask your sales team for any notable exchanges they’ve had with satisfied customers and ask if you can use those. Get your employees excited about their success is an easy way how to make an employee newsletter fun.

31. Have fun with your company newsletter

Inject your own interests and personality by sharing things that you love that you might talk to employees about in regular conversations.

For a fun employee newsletter idea, include monthly book recommendations. Maybe start a book club in the process. Try including seasonal recipes (especially in months with major holidays), motivational quotes, or fun facts.

Damp Wine released this fun newsletter about various great entertainment spots around a certain location.

Screenshot of employee newsletter featuring relevant and entertaining information for employees.

Key takeaway: Your employee newsletter doesn’t need to be all about business. Include recurring featured sections to give employees something to look forward to each day. For more fun ideas, check out our list of employee newsletter ideas by month. Also, check out our employee newsletter strategy checklist for actionable ideas.

32. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Are there recurring questions that your business’ managers or leadership receive? Try including a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section in your employee newsletter.

Not only can this section address issues being raised by multiple employees, but it can prime employees to start thinking of their own questions that they’d like to see included in the FAQ section.

Set up a suggestion/question box where your employees can easily submit their questions, and include the ones being asked by the highest number of employees.

Key takeaway: FAQs can help clear up employee questions without them needing to consult others at your company; this will help them save time and create more incisive questions to ask.

33. Training opportunities and info

The best businesses prioritize both organizational and personal success, and they do this by investing in their employees and developing their abilities and skills.

If your business offers supplementary training programs for your employees, promote these opportunities within your employees newsletter. Provide cursory details about the training being offered, and link to additional information or sign up form.

The more visibly you promote the training programs offered by your business, the more employees will get involved. Within your training email to employees, consider collecting employee feedback about what training programs your employees would like to see provided by your business.

Key takeaway: Not only does additional training help grow your employees’ careers, it also helps them be more adept at their current responsibilities.

34. Competitor News

Keep your employees on the ball by sharing pertinent competitor news with your employees. It’s always good to see what other companies in your sector are doing, especially if one of your top competitors has a new product or service release imminent.

Sharing competitor news can also spur employees to think of new ideas and improvements. Reading about a rival company can help you look at your own company more critically, so regularly sharing competitor news can help keep employees engaged.

Screenshot of section of employee newsletter about the latest competitor news.

Key takeaway: Your employees likely look at competitor news in their own time, but highlighting the most important announcements in your newsletters helps direct your employees’ thinking.

35. Top ten lists and roundups

There’s a reason so many of us love BuzzFeed, Spotify year-end roundups, and the like. Listicles are a simple, straightforward, and easy way to consume information on just about everything.

Harness this asset across your employee newsletters by creating a list of the top ten songs your employees love listening to or the top lunch spots in the area.

If you want employee-generated content, conduct a quick pulse survey in your preceding newsletter to get employees to weigh in. Publish the listicle in the next newsletter and get employees to react and comment.

Key Takeaways: Listicles are a fun, simple way to get employees to both read your internal newsletter and take part in its development.

36. Guess the desk

If your team is still working in a remote or hybrid office, Guess the Desk is a great idea for engaging, employee-generated content. Ask employees to send in a picture of their WFH office setup and publish one image at the end of each newsletter.

With ContactMonkey’s email templates, you can embed surveys and comment boxes between any email element. So employees can weigh in on whose desk they think the image represents. This transforms a simple newsletter into a fun, participatory game.

Key takeaway: Adding interactive games into your newsletter not only makes things fun, but it also gives you a continuous stream of content for your newsletter.

37. New employee welcome

When you have a new team member, it’s important to create a newsletter feature to introduce the newly hired employee. This helps introduce them to the rest of the team.

Screenshot of employee welcome newsletter created using ContactMonkey's drag-and-drop email template builder.

Another way to go about this is to let your new hire take the reigns. Let them take editorial control of an entire newsletter and send it out to the team with a personally-written intro.

Screenshot of employee self-introduction newsletter created by an employee using ContactMonkey's email template builder.

With ContactMonkey’s email collaboration, you can give editorial access to employees and allow them to co-create a newsletter in real time.

However you choose to design your new employee email, make sure it contains a brief description of the employee’s past work experience, their role for your company, and a few fun facts.

Key takeaway: Introducing your new hire through your employee newsletter is an important part of creating a warm welcome for the new employee. And this has a big impact on employee engagement going forward.

38. Build community and recognize success

As you start to gather content and plan out your employee newsletter design, put yourself in the shoes of your fellow employees.

Mention any recent personal milestones, like birthdays, retirements, marriages, and pregnancies. You can also create profiles for newly hired employees to introduce them to the rest of the team.

Seeing employee newsletter ideas like this encourages employees to share with you and make them feel that their personal life is just as important as their work.

ContactMonkey’s drag-and-drop email template builder makes it super easy to incorporate these employee newsletter ideas into your emails:

Screenshot for employee newsletter created using ContactMonkey's email template builder showcasing new employees starting at company.

Key takeaway: Employees are the lifeblood of any business, so let them know how important they are by featuring them in your newsletter content!

39. Employee profiles and spotlights

While spotlighting new employees is essential, getting to know old employees more closely is an equally valuable company newsletter idea. This is especially true in a remote or hybrid workplace, where employees don’t get to build bonds in the same way as in-person.

In your newsletter, create a new feature where you showcase fun facts about an existing employee, or recognize their achievements. Every week, you can spotlight a different member of your organization⁠—from your CEO to your Sales Executives.

Include their photo and 2-3 fun facts, such as their favourite TV show, strangest talent, or biggest hobby.

Screenshot of ContactMonkey's email template builder being used to created a company newsletter featuring employee profiles.

You can spice things up by turning it into a “Two truths and a lie” feature and have readers guess which is which. This is easy to do with ContactMonkey’s interactive email templates, where surveys and comment boxes can be embedded into any email.

Key takeaway: Strengthen company culture and address remote team communication challenges by turning your newsletter into a place where individual employees can get to know each other better. Whether they’re working in the same office, or hundreds of miles apart.

40. General lifestyle and interest recommendations

Get your employees excited to open up your newsletter by featuring suggestions for movies, food, webinars, or podcasts.

For a fun employee newsletter idea, include monthly book recommendations. Maybe even start a book club in the process.

You can get your employees to make suggestions using comment boxes embedded into your newsletter. Depending on your preference, you can ask them to recommend books, recipes, apps, and so much more!

Key takeaway: This is an easy way to pique employee interest, increase newsletter engagement, and get colleagues with common interests to connect.

41. Suggestion boxes

Offering your teams an avenue for feedback helps boost two-way communication across your organization. Not to mention, it helps you get fresh new content suggestions and learn what employees like or don’t like about your newsletter in a direct fashion.

With ContactMonkey’s internal newsletter software, you can add anonymous feedback boxes at the end of any internal newsletter. This complements ContactMonkey’s employee email analytics and helps expand your insights about employee likes and dislikes.

Add a disclosure message at the top of your suggestion box stating that all comments are anonymous. This employee newsletter idea will let you generate a whole lot more feedback.

Key takeaway: Suggestion boxes are a quick, easy way to learn what employees want to see in your newsletter and help you develop better ideas for future publications.

42. Cool quotes

At ContactMonkey, we regularly share a #QuoteOfTheDay across our social media to get our audience to start the day on a positive note. You can do the same thing across your internal newsletter to help give employees a boost of motivation for the week ahead.

Depending on your company’s goals and values, as well as internal communications objectives, do a quick google search on a relevant topic. You’ll find countless resources listing motivational quotes on everything from business and books to sports and travel.

Add the quote into your newsletter as either an intro sentence, a divider between content blocks, or even a headline for your newsletter.

Key takeaway: Motivational quotes are an incredibly easy way to add some engaging content into your newsletter and help boost employee morale in the process.

43. Employee contests

If done right, some friendly competition can encourage long-term engagement with your newsletter. The right kind of contest gets employees checking in to your newsletter to see if they’re in the lead or have won a given challenge.

The best way to do this is to create a series of internal communication challenges where employees answer questions over the span of a month. At the end, a winner is named and awarded a small prize, such as a gift card to their favourite coffee shop.

For a fun game, you can ask employees to send in their baby photos and conduct polls in your newsletter where everyone guesses who it is. Each week, you have a new photo and a winner is named every month.

Key Takeaways: Employee contests encourage employees to engage with your newsletter consistently. With an interactive email tool like ContactMonkey, it’s easy to launch these types of games straight from your newsletter.

44. Your company in the news

The biggest job of your internal newsletter is to keep employees in-the-know about company news and events. That includes the latest press and media about your company.

Not only is this a quick and easy way to repurpose existing content about your company. It’s also an opportunity to show employees just how important their work has been to your company’s overarching success.

Key takeaway: Stay up to speed on news about your company and share this information with your staff to boost team pride and alignment.

45. Company goals and progress

Employees who feel like their work directly contributes to company success are more engaged than those who don’t. This connection needs to be highlighted at many levels within your company, from manager feedback and leadership recognition.

It can also be recognized by regularly outlining company goals and highlighting the current progress towards these goals. If individuals or teams are responsible for a majority of the progress of certain company goals, be sure to give them a shout out in your employee newsletter.

Key takeaway: Keeping your employees up-to-date on company goals and progress help them contextualize their own work against the company’s objectives.

46. Leadership messages and updates

Messages from your leadership team are a useful and engaging company newsletter idea. Great leadership communications keep teams aligned and rally employees behind a company’s mission and values.

They also provide motivation and boost employee morale during times of change or uncertainty. For these reasons, it’s vital to have a regular leadership message feature across your employee newsletter.

With an HTML email builder like ContactMonkey, you can make leadership messages more engaging and personalized.

Use merge tags to address each employee by name and try making the message more unique by turning it into a video. ContactMonkey’s email templates let you embed YouTube and Vimeo videos directly into your emails.

Key takeaway: Tap into the power of leadership communications and create a dedicated leadership message feature in your newsletter at lease once a month.

47. Tips and tricks

You can offer greater value in your employee newsletter by including tutorials, webinars, and advice columns. These can touch on a variety of topics

Drive home your company’s values with an advice column. You can focus on a wide range of topics from improving workflow and productivity, to enhancing communication skills.

Screenshot of employee newsletter offering tips to employees about remote communication.

Key takeaway: Make your employee a go-to resource for employees by including a range of tips, tricks, and hacks that help them get the most out of their workday.

48. Q&A section

Adding a Q&A section in your internal newsletter is an easy way to support employees in resolving common workplace issues and simplifying tasks. This is especially the case when it comes to new employees, who may not be immediately familiar with the ins and outs of your workplace.

The best way to do this is to first collect employee questions using embedded question boxes in your newsletter.

Once you notice a pattern, create a document listing the most common questions, such as, “Where do I request my vacation days?” and the appropriate answers. Once you have a good list going, add it into your employee newsletter template as its own section.

Key takeaway: When it’s hard for employees to find necessary resources, it quickly leads to confusion and employee disengagement. Adding a Q&A section in your employee newsletter, is an easy way to avoid this and offer more value in your newsletter.

49. Employee coaching and mentorship

Professional development opportunities are one of the biggest drivers of employee engagement. To help employees advance their careers, use employee newsletter idea to inform them of any workshops, webinars, and events your company is willing to pay for that they can attend.

You can also use your newsletter to promote mentorship opportunities or even match employees to mentors.

With ContactMonkey’s internal email software, you can embed surveys into your newsletter and collect information about who’s interested in being connected with a mentor and in what professional area.

Screenshot of ContactMonkey's email template builder being used to create a career-oriented employee newsletter including emoji feedback options.

Key takeaway: By promoting continuous development through your employee communications software, you’ll demonstrate that your company values professional growth and continuity.

50. Client success

There’s a reason companies love showcasing big brands like PepsiCo and Microsoft on their customers’ page. These brands have a strong reputation and many achievements under their belts. That translates to greater pride for the companies that get to work with them.

For the same reason, you should showcase all of your client achievements to your employees. Why? Because this helps instill pride in your employees. It shows them the customers they’re working with are reaching new heights, and your company supports them along the way.

Key takeaway: follow your customers on social media or professional networking sites and stay on top of their milestones. When something big happens, this is something to include in your employee newsletter.

51. Free resources

It’s tough to find anyone who isn’t a fan of free stuff. Use the appeal of free perks to promote engagement with your newsletter and grow your audience.

Whether it be a free lunch for employees, $100 for professional development, or free swag for standout employees, make sure to promote all these resources in your newsletter. Also highlight any perks that are already included in your company’s benefits program.

As Robert Bly, a famous writer and salesperson once said, “Free is the most powerful word in your vocabulary. Everybody wants to get something for free.”

Key takeaway: Use your newsletter to remind employees about the free perks of working at your company, and get them anxiously anticipating your latest publication.

52. Benefits enrolment and other reminders

In the middle of a busy workweek, it’s not unusual for meetings and other commitments to slip through the track. By including a rundown of key meetings, vacation times, and conferences in your employee newsletter, you can help your employees stay on track.

In addition, you can use your employee newsletter to remind employees about benefits enrolment and other significant deadlines.

Key takeaway: Help employees stay on track by supplying key dates and deadlines in your employee newsletter. Make sure to use eye-catching copy, bold letters, and buttons to ensure that employees take note of your reminders.

53. Social media engagement

Social media is an important company newsletter idea for both your external and internal marketing strategy. As a business communications best practice, your social should spotlight your internal company culture by promoting team-building events, life at the company, and employee achievements.

To increase engagement on both the internal and external front, you can use your newsletter to promote your latest social posts and remind employees to like, comment, and subscribe! Add an image of your most recent, or most popular, social post to get employees to engage.

Key takeaway: Leverage your internal newsletter to promote your social platforms and encourage employees to participate in more aspects of your organization.

54. Water cooler chat

Your employees are curious about the latest news happening at your company. You may overhear them talking about rumours or theories about where the company is headed, what’s happening with certain employees, or other kinds of hearsay.

You can use this employee newsletter idea to get ahead of the rumours and to clarify any assumptions your employees may have about your company. Use your email newsletter to set the record straight on issues that your employees have been talking about.

Key takeaway: Your employees shouldn’t have to guess about important news regarding their employer. Settling rumours in your newsletter can help your employees feel more at ease at their workplace.

55. Employees who’ve demonstrated brand values

We’ve already mentioned why it’s important to feature employee recognition as part of your company newsletter ideas. It’s additionally important to highlight when employees demonstrate your company’s values, either to customers or other coworkers.

Did an employee go above and beyond helping a customer? Did an employee go out of their way to help a coworker? Give them the props they deserve in your newsletter.

Key takeaway: Employee recognition is a cornerstone of employee engagement. Finding new and fun ways to feature employee recognition in your newsletters helps build a strong sense of community among your workforce.

56. Employee pets spotlight

Your employees’ pets are big parts of their lives. Try including a section of your newsletter to feature your employees’ furry friends as nice conversation starter among your employees.

If your office is pet-friendly, make sure you take lots of pictures of your employees’ pets so you can feature them in your newsletter!

Key takeaway: This is a fun and easy company newsletter idea that will generate a lot of buzz among your employees. After all, everyone likes sharing pictures of their pets.

57. This day in company history

Whether your company is a startup with 100 employees or a multinational corporation with 10,000 employees, it’s interesting to look back at past milestone to contextualize how the company got to where it is today.

Highlight past company achievements with a small “On this date” section in your newsletter.

Key takeaway: Employees who learn about their company’s history can view their own work in that frame, as their present-day accomplishments can become part of the company’s history as well.

58. Trivia challenge

Try including a trivia question on your employee newsletters. Trivia is a fun way to grab your employees attention and spark conversation between them.

Take this employee newsletter idea one step further by ranking the trivia you include. Label your trivia question based on their difficulty so your employees can compete to see who is the best.

Key takeaway: Small things like trivia can make an otherwise boilerplate newsletter fun and engaging. You can even try making the trivia related to topics relevant to what your company does.

How to Create and Send an Employee Newsletter?

Great employee newsletter ideas start with great content. Determine what kind of employee newsletter would benefit your employees, and begin creating content around that topic.

The best employee newsletters use HTML coding to display complex designs and graphics in email inboxes. These newsletters can include internal company videos, GIFs, forms, links, countdowns, and many other enhancements.

But not everyone is an HTML expert, and learning to code can be a time-consuming undertaking. Fortunately, with tools like ContactMonkey’s email template builder, you can use drag-and-drop controls to create your own HTML newsletter, no coding required:


Now that you’ve created your employee newsletter, you have to send it out. It’s best to keep your send date consistent so your employees can make it part of their routine to check the newsletter. To determine the best time to send your internal newsletter, use ContactMonkey’s email analytics dashboard to find when your employees are most likely to open your employee newsletters.

Want to make beautiful newsletters faster? Learn how to create employee newsletters that stand out with our simple guide.  

Emails employees want to open

Why You Should Be Using An Internal Communications Software

You want your content to look great all the time to grab your employees’ attention. Featuring various employee newsletter ideas entices your readers to come back for more. Using ContactMonkey, you can take your employee emails to the next level and measure their success.

Monitor performance and track email analytics to learn how your audience responds to your content. With this information, you can confidently refine and improve your internal communications newsletter content. Use ContactMonkey’s internal and remote teams communication tool to ensure your employee newsletters are responsive and look great across all mobile devices and desktops.

Feeling inspired by this article? Ready to create your own employee newsletters? Find the best internal newsletter ideas to try? Book a free demo of our email tracking tool and discover all the ways you can use ContactMonkey to enhance your internal communications.

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