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Product Updates May 2020: eNPS Surveys

Alex Cleary


in Product Updates

We’ve been hard at work making our drag-and-drop template builder even better, and our latest improvement is one we’re particularly excited about: eNPS Surveys for your employee newsletter!

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a metric used to measure your employees’ level of engagement. An eNPS survey asks employees to respond to an engagement-related question using a scale of zero to ten. These responses are categorized into three different categories from which your eNPS is derived. The higher your eNPS, the more engaged your employees are. Read our blog post for a full explanation of Employee Net Promoter Score.

Use eNPS Surveys in Your Newsletters

ContactMonkey’s internal communications solution now has a built-in eNPS survey function that you can embed within employee newsletters. Select an eNPS survey from the template builder sidebar and drag it to your desired location within the newsletter.

You can structure your survey around particular topics relating to employee engagement. Questions about whether an employee would recommend a product or a workplace to a friend or family member is a good place to start.

Employees simply click on a number and their results are recorded. The results are displayed on your campaign analytics page. Employees are also given the option to leave an anonymous comment along with their score. This is what your eNPS information looks like within your campaign analytics page.

Your business’ eNPS is calculated automatically and displayed in the graph. Your employee’s anonymous comments are contained in the dropdown list below.

It is proven that higher levels of employee engagement correspond with greater productivity. ContactMonkey’s eNPS survey allows internal communicators to quickly and easily determine how engaged employees are.

The More You Know

With eNPS surveys, ContactMonkey is an even more powerful tool for measuring employee engagement and internal communications. ContactMonkey boasts a suite of email tracking metrics designed to give you a clear picture of how employees are engaging with internal communications.

Easily create newsletters featuring eNPS surveys using a drag-and-drop template builder, receive feedback directly from employees, measure the effectiveness of your internal communications and more with ContactMonkey.

Want to see what eNPS surveys are like in action? Book a free demo with one of our experts to try it out for yourself.

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